The American Veterans Recreation Association is a non-profit center of excellence focused on empowering Veterans through recreational programs and activities. We are dedicated to enhancing the physical and mental health of all Veterans.
Funds are required to purchase equipment, update and maintain the facilities and grounds to comply with the Americans With Disability Act ( ADA) and to further support recreational programs and activities.
The executive board that oversees this corporation is comprised completely of volunteers from Natick AMVETS Post 79. There are no salaries or benefit provided, so 100 % of your donation will go towards Veterans of all abilities.
We are a registered 501c3. Please consider making a donation and/or getting involved today.
James A. Sheridan
President American Veterans' Recreation Association, Inc.
Phone: 508-653-5196
Email: veteransarrows@gmail.com
Donate online
Volunteers are at the heart of our organizing.
Serve on our board of directors
Help with community outreach
Assist with program development and execution
Peer to peer outreach
Raise funds and more
If you are interested in volunteering or getting involved, please email Jamie at veteransarrows@gmail.com or submit your inquiry below.